A male tiger walking in open meadows is a wildlife photographers delight. A male tiger walking straight towards you even for a few seconds exceeds that delight. I had just such a sighting when i was recently on my wildlife photo tour of kanha. This tiger was there just for a few seconds literally and moved again to the meadow on the right. With all the other vehicles moving around, my own vehicle reversing, its easy to mess this. Some how you learn to manage this to get the shot. If you notice the marks on his fore head look as if its written “CAT”. He is one of the dominant male tigers of kanha. Processed this image on my laptop sitting in my hotel room in jabalpur before leaving again for bandhavgarh.
Am going thru yr pics posted whenever. N wow what a pic … I had heard abt the cat bit bt Thot it was some very fertile minds imagination…. Now have seen it for real…..the pic is magnificent ….. more magnificent is the creature… Lovely pic …. I’m getting the hang of composition …..
Do u usually do kanha. Or also kisli n Mukki …… I stayed at kisli bt sighted at Mukki